Thank You Photo:Courtesy Navjot Sharma
Its been almost 17 months since i created this blog and set out on a course to bridge the information gap surrounding agriculture, research and use of new and upcoming ICTs focusing on agriculture. Many a things , both nice and challenging have occured which has only made this blogging journey worth continuing. Your presence as evidenced by everyday s traffic rise, comments, and constant sharing of the posts in other social media channels has contributed to making the blogging journey more of a success. I owe you big time for this.
Well, I have received a couple of emails from readers suggesting some of the topics they would love to see featured on this blog. Some of them happen to be students in colleges seeking out companies where they could get placements for their internships,others on agricultural policies, new and applicable technologies in the field of agriculture and still more on step by step details on poultry keeping, urban and peri urban farming amongst many others. Well the list is endless and i am more than happy to offer a hand for each and every one of my readers in their area of interest.
In the coming weeks, i will be aggregating information concerning the same.
Well stay put as we set the ball rolling!
PS: Of late i have been involved in too much of social media reporting and hence once in a while i will be posting pieces on social media
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